Monday, September 23, 2013

Amarillo By Mornin' Up from Granbury

I wanted to take time to talk about my new header picture above.  The Randall High School senior is Lexi and we had an extraordinary morning in Amarillo taking her pictures.  Her Dad has some access to some really great landmarks in Amarillo.  This photo was shot from the top of the court house.  I have never had that opportunity before and it was awesome.  I feel like the photo really depicts Amarillo and Lexi.  Her Dad and Grandpa had much to do with many buildings downtown and ohhh the places she will go possibly from Amarillo.  Since moving from Amarillo I have had some people say your from Amarillo, "Isn't it a truck stop?", or "It's windy as hell there!" or the it's just plain ugly there.  Well I suppose all of those things are occasionally true if you live there, but I think Amarillo is full of people who know how to look for the beauty in the simple stuff.  My mother-in-law who has also lived in Amarillo was also perplexed with why people think it is so ugly and since she travels much she had a great observation, it is because Amarillo's skyline never changes.  It could be.  I  discussed this fact with Lexi's family while we were shooting and they felt it was because Amarillioins like to keep it original.  I would concur, but there is a bit of room for improvement I think a coupel of old buildings just need to get a little TNT time and build something new just to change the skyline, and it must be optically interesting, something to talk about.  I am not sure what the newest building is downtown, I think the Petroleum building
which is the mirrored building to the right behind Lexi (and if you look like a pro photographer they will run you off from there, they are no fun and they lie that the building has a copyright....really).  No, the Amarillo Opera House is new, and really interesting architecturally, but you cannot see it from the highway.  The Amarillo staple of their skyline is the "Bank One" building or the tall one in the photo, I think it says WT now because they have a downtown campus there.  It is super 70's and houses the Amarillo club in the top, or the Amarillo equivalent of the "rich folks super club".  I always thought that it was really posh when I was younger and was in awe of the rich old ladies playing bridge there in the afternoon.  Now that I have seen Fort Worth and Dallas wealth first hand.....I think what I thought was wealth at a young age is not spectacular now.  However, I must say that in the Panhandle it boils down to simple again.  I have known very wealthy panhandle people who wear their wrangler work shirts, jeans with holes, and always have their hands dirty....and you couldn't squeeze a buffalo nickle out of their ass.  But I digress....the buildings...wouldn't you think one of those ladies that lunch at the Amarillo Club would have noticed that they should donate all of their money to update the Amarillo skyline?  Okay if one of you ladies ever reads this blog, your kids and grand kids probably haven't seen you in 10 years because you wouldn't buy them everything so just make a new skyscraper in Amarillo and name it the "ungrateful brat" building lol.

Another building that is historical to Amarillo and was actually gutted and renovated some years ago it the Sante Fe building which is now owned by the city.  I think it is art deco really is neat up close and this time I got an inside view!  Lexi's Dad maintains that building and we got to go in a couple of cool places.  Places many Amarilloins would be honored to see.  I was, but I had to warn her Dad I may call on him again in the future. 
I have photographed at the Sante Fe Building before and so have tones of Amarillo photographers, especially the view from above.  It is even awesome with a bride or couple in the front.  But I got to go in...woohoo lady!  Here is one of my favs of Lexi in the service elevator, the old cage kind.  I really had a great time doing Lexi's pics, and I love old buildings.  I love old original things, oh yeah maybe because I am from Amarillo too! 

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