Saturday, January 8, 2011

Excitement is in the Air....

I feel like I am getting back to normal, or normal for me I am back to shooting more often.  I have played exclusive mommy for nearly a year since I had Maizey.  I think that happens when you have a baby, or for me my children are center stage.  Since I waited nearly 7 years to have my second daughter, it was like starting over with less energy because I was older.  My photography took a back seat through no fault of it's own.  I think I feel like I can function again and that I am ready to get back to work and get really busy, both as a mom and photographer.  I just took pictures a couple of weeks ago of a beautiful child, and he is the son of one of my MOPS friends, for those of you that don't know, it stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and for those of us that work from home and have small children it is otherwise known as sanity.  I love MOPS and wish I had known about it with my first child.  I am not going to post their names, but I just have to show a picture of this little boy that is truly beautiful and so is his mother, they would both make great models.  I am excited to shoot, shoot, shoot, no people though or not today anyway!  LOL!